
Monday, June 26, 2023

Did Adam & Eve Die the Day They Ate the Forbidden Fruit?

And they both ate. And in that day, they surely died.

But you say, wait. That’s not in my Bible. They didn’t die.

Who told you they didn’t die?

Well, the next verse says their eyes were opened, they knew they were naked, they sewed fig leaves. So, obviously they didn’t die.

Okay, I see. By the circumstances of the following verse, you determine, they didn’t die.

You’re not alone. Many agree.

Some say they didn’t die that day but the dying process began, that day.

(NOTE: After Church I was given a link to an article that does a good job explaining this idea. You can read it by clicking here: Answers in Genesis).

Others make a powerful point, saying they didn’t die, that day, because God provided a substitute. Later, we’ll see how God provides a covering for their nakedness, their sin, by the shedding of blood. A foreshadow of the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

So, it’s accurate to say they didn’t drop over dead, physically, (like Ananias and Saphira. Acts 5:1-11. Another story for another time, about a couple in the beginning of the Church—that dropped over physically dead, the moment their deception was exposed).

With all that said; I still humbly submit to you that they died. That day. Just as God said.

We must believe every Word, that proceeds from the mouth of God, above our eyes, feelings, intellect, or circumstance.

I’ll never forget the moment The Lord spoke this message to me.

It was a lifetime ago; at a Prayer Conference in Mankato Minnesota. Several Churches were there. I was asked to minister, without saying a word; by way of, Mimestry. (Mime performed to music).  

The Champion, by Carmen, normally brought cheers from the crowd throughout the song, and then the climactic end always had them jumping from their seats in shouts and applause.

This time it was dead silence.

I couldn’t see them due to the stage lights.

“Well God, I guess they’re just not ready for this,” I thought, and prayed, while removing the mime makeup backstage.

The Words hit me immediately, almost audibly:


After the service, I was told they were awestruck. Speechless. They asked, “Who does your special effects?

Special Effects?

The Champion, plays out the battle between Jesus and satan, as if it were in a boxing arena. The choreography had me portray Jesus one moment, (strength, authority, joy), and then with a spin, portray the devil (anger, evil, hate).

Well, they said, precisely during the times satan was being portrayed, the darkened sanctuary was illuminated by flashes of lightning through the skylights. They thought I had special effect lighting installed on the roof before the meeting.

So, they asked, “Who did your special effects?”

All I could say was: “Jesus”.


Sometimes tunnel vision is the best vision. 

What did God say? 

Okay, that settles it. I don’t have to understand it, agree with it, see it, feel it…I simply need to believe Him. 

Obedience brings understanding. dougism 102.

What exactly did God say?

“but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.” Genesis 2:17.


The words, “surely die” in the original Hebrew are actually the same word used twice. The word is: muth. It means, death; to die; to surely be put to death.

The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible. Where do we see die die, or death death, or the, second death?

Do you find it interesting that, second death is mentioned multiple times in the book of Revelation; it’s synonymous with the lake of fire. It is, death, in that it is, separation from God, who is Life. (Revelation 2:11, 20:6, 14-15, 21:8).

We could follow that Revelation trail a long way; but let’s stick close to our home in Genesis.

Okay Doug, I hear what you’re saying. But you’re splitting hairs; playing semantics. They died spiritually, but not physically. Okay I get it. Why are you belaboring the issue? Is it really that big of a deal?

Alright fine. Let’s wrap this up as succinctly as possible by addressing the question: Is it really that big of a deal?

Yes. It is. For two reasons:

1.     Knowing who you really are.

2.     Understanding the integrity of God’s Word.

Knowing who you really are.

You are created in the image of God. A triune being. You are a spirit, you have a soul, and live in a body. Your body is your earth-suit to walk this earth, your vehicle to drive this earth, your tent to camp on this earth.

When God said you shall surely die, He was talking about you, not your suit, your car, your tent.

Having the correct foundational understanding here, sets the trajectory for how you see yourself in the rest of the Bible.

God isn’t talking about your flesh, your body, your earth-suit, your car, your tent, so much as you, the eternal spirit He created in His image. He’s way, way, way, more interested in your spiritual wellbeing than minuscule, momentary, fleshly comfort.

Grasp this Truth, and eternity will come into view. Then, the trials and temptations of this earth-suit, car, tent, are minor, momentary, compared to the eternal weight of glory that awaits you. Your appetite, your desire will be for knowing Him, His will, His presence. Taking care of your earth-suit, your car, your tent, will simply be a means for Him to flow through, so others can get to know Him.

Romans 13:14. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Jesus shows us when tempted to turn stones to bread. His body was hungry at the end of a forty-day fast, but He said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word, that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4.

Which brings us to the second key reason this is a big deal.

Understanding the integrity of God’s Word.

Jesus said life comes not from bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Every Word. Not just the ones we intellectually understand.

Every Word. Not just the ones we like, agree with, or make us feel good.

Every Word.

Having a firm grasp on the integrity of God’s Word is foundational and necessary to keep us from falling to deception, or cracking to the temptation to rewrite it to fit our desire.

Putting all of this together, I humbly submit, that when they sinned, they were immediately separated from the presence of God that once dwelt in them, radiated from them, clothed them from the inside out.

That separation is death.

And when God said:

In the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die (Gen. 2:17).

He did not mean:

In the day that you eat of it, you shall not surely die. (Gen. 3:4).

That is what the serpent said.

Who do you believe?

John 10:10

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 11:25

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.


John 14:6

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

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